Air Raids
The first hint of an air raid for Bridgwater came on 1 August 1940 when a Heinkel HE 111 dropped a landmine at Bankland Farm, Northmoor, leaving a huge crater. The impact of the explosion was felt in Bridgwater although no damage was done. Two wee...
Home Guard and Returning Heroes
The Home Guard or Land Defence Volunteers was set up in May 1940 to protect the local area from enemy invaders. Bridgwater had its own unit, the 10th Somerset Battalion under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel R Chamberlain, based at the Drill Hall and...
The Day War Broke Out
“This country is now at war with Germany. We are ready”. The nation heard the Prime Minister’s words over their wireless sets on 3 September 1939. Across the town, gas masks were distributed, to be carried at all times. The Bridgwater Mercury for...
VE Day
Finally victory came with the fall of Germany and the nation celebrated. The town took on a colourful garb, bedecked in bunting and banners. Fireworks, dances and kisses on the Cornhill went on well beyond midnight. Flags hung from every window, the Cornhill...
Vernon Bartlett
In September 1938, Neville Chamberlain was in Munich signing an agreement with Hitler and Mussolini. It was the “Peace in our time” document with which Chamberlain returned as a hero. But not everyone believed in the integrity of the agreement. Vernon Bar...
Women’s Land Army and the War Effort
For the ladies, the war brought fresh opportunities with the demand for war work. For those with secretarial skills, there was work to be done at army bases. With the local factories turning over to the war effort, many housewives went into those factory...