41,276 (2021 Census)
Registered Voters
The Town Council is funded by the residents of Bridgwater through a precept on the council tax charge made by Somerset Council. The 2023/24 budget sets a total precept of £1,153,746 that equates to a council tax charge of £112.05 on a band D household. Properties are put into one of eight bands, A being the lowest, and H the highest, with Band D being the average. Bridgwater Town Council’s Band D equivalent is one of the lowest against other towns in Somerset.
To be open and transparent we have various detailed reports in relation to the operation of the Town Council here:
Annual Audit
Every financial year ending 31 March the annual audit of the Town Council’s accounts are reviewed by both the internal and external auditor. Audit information can be viewed here:
Internal audit Report Dated 03-05-24
Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2023-24
Section 2 Accounting Statement 2023-24
Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited AGAR 2023-24
Internal Audit Report Dated 04.05.2023
Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2022.23
Section 2 Accounting Statements 2022.23
Notice of conclusion of audit for year ending 31 March 2023
Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 21-22
Section 2 Accounting Statements 21-22
Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return
Internal Audit Report 2020 – 2021
Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2020 – 2021
Section 2 Accounting Statement 2020 – 2021
External Auditor Report and Certificate
Notice of the dates of the period for the exercise of public rights
Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2019.20
Section 2 Accounting Statements 2019.20
Bridgwater Town Council_explanation_of_variances_2019-20
Annual Internal Audit Report 2018 – 2019
Restated Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2018-2019
Annual Internal Audit Report 2017-2018
Accounting Statements 2017-2018
External Auditor Report 2017-2018
Annual Governance Statement 2017-2018
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2018
External Auditor Report 2016-2017
Annual Internal Audit Report 2016-2017
Accounting Statements 2016-2017
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2017
Annual Governance Statement 2016-2017
The financial year for local authorities is 1 April – 31 March. Year to date budgets can be viewed on the Full Council section of the Meetings page
2023/2024 Budget (With Month 1 data)
Town and Parish Councils which have a gross annual income or expenditure (whichever is the higher) of a least £200,000 are required to publish ‘Public Data’ as set out in The Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency’.
Although only ‘recommended practice’ Bridgwater Town Council believes that being transparent is pivotal to enable greater democratic accountability over how council tax and public money is spent. However, Public Data does not include personal information as this would contravene the Data Protection Act 2018. In accordance with the Code of Recommended Practice Bridgwater Town Council will make available for public inspection the relevant information as stipulated within the Code.
Asset Register
Local councils must maintain an asset register to ensure fixed assets are appropriately safeguarded. Once recorded on the asset register, the value of assets must not change from year to year until disposal. Concepts of depreciation and impairment adjustments are not appropriate for local councils.
The Register is adopted by the Council at the end of each Financial Year but is a working document over the following Financial Year, during which Council Officers will update and amend details as necessary.
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Somerset Council is required to pass a percentage of the total CIL receipts raised in a town/parish council area directly to the town or parish council where the development is taking place. This is called the ‘meaningful proportion’.
Currently the percentage is set at 15% or, in areas where there is a neighbourhood development plan, the amount passed to the parish or town council is 25%.
To ensure transparency, each financial year, town or parish councils that have received funds must publish a summary of:
- the total CIL funds received
- what CIL funds have been spent on
- the total amount of CIL funds retained at the end of the reported year and any previous years.