Whilst no one likes paying taxes and with council tax bills dropping onto doormats, a phone call that promises to lower your Council Tax banding for an upfront charge may sound like a great offer, but you can find out if your band can be lowered for free.
We have also been told by callers that they have been called by “someone” who says they work for the Council; that a lot of money is owed and that if they do not pay, the Police will be called. These are scam phone calls, but understandably very frightening for residents.
If you are struggling to pay your Council Tax bill and need assistance, our Council Tax staff will be more than happy to offer help and advice on 0300 303 7801 or email please email the Council Tax team on [email protected].
Council Tax bands are set by the Valuation Office Agency and can only be changed under certain conditions. Details can be found on the GOV.uk website. If you think your band is wrong, contact the Valuation Office Agency – you will not be charged for the service.
If you have a question in relation to Council Tax Support, please view Sedgemoor District Council website for more advice. In addition, it you have a question about what help you can apply for as you are no longer working, please go to the gov.uk website which has a lots of guidance to help you make a claim for help.
If you have given over personal details, we would advise you to call the Police straight away on 101 and report the matter as an identity theft scam. The Police will also direct you to the Action Fraud helpline on 0300 123 2040.