May 2022 elections to Somerset County Council and Parish and Town Councils.
The Government has set out its proposals for the election of 110 councillors for Somerset Council to be held on 5 May 2022. The Government is also proposing for elections to also be held on the same day for all parish, town and city councils across Somerset.
Key dates:
- Notice of election published – 21 March 2022
- Nominations accepted from – 22 March
- Deadline for candidates’ nominations – 5 April 2022
- Statement of persons nominated published – 6 April 2022
- Deadline to register to vote – 14 April
- Close of postal vote applications – 19 April 2022
- Polling Day – Thursday 5 May 2022
- Count of votes and declarations of results for 110 councillors to the County of Somerset- 6 May 2022
- Count of votes and declarations of results for town and parish councils – 7 May 2022
Information for potential candidates in the May 2022 Elections
If you wish to stand as a candidate please download the nomination pack below:
Nomination pack for Somerset County Council election May 2022
Nomination pack for Town & Parish election May 2022
The completed papers should be hand delivered from March 22 to 4pm on Tuesday 5 April, 2022 to: Returning Officer, Sedgemoor District Council, Bridgwater House, King Square, Bridgwater, TA6 3AR
How can I vote at the May 2022 elections?
There are a number of ways to have your say in May – you can vote in a polling station, by post, or by appointing someone you trust to vote on your behalf, known as a proxy vote.
How can I apply to vote by post or proxy?
To vote in the elections – either at a polling station, by post, or by appointing someone you trust to vote on your behalf as your proxy – you must first be registered to vote, which can be done online in just 5 minutes via the website. You must be registered by midnight on Thursday 14 April 2022.
If you’re thinking about voting by post, you can apply now. This will make sure your application is processed early, and your postal vote can be sent to you more quickly. It’s easy to apply and you can find out how by visiting the Electoral Commission website or by contacting them directly.
Apply to vote by post:
Completed applications must reach us before 5pm on Tuesday 19 April 2022. If you are given a postal vote, you will not be able to vote in person at this election.
Apply to vote by proxy:
This means someone else can vote on your behalf. Completed applications must reach us before 5pm on Tuesday 26 April 2022. If you appoint a proxy, you can vote if you wish, but only if your proxy has not already voted on your behalf and has not got a postal vote for you.
If after 5pm on Tuesday 26 April 2022 you are unable to vote in person because of a work or medical emergency, or because you are self isolating, you can apply for an emergency proxy. To find out how to apply, call us immediately.
Is voting by post safe?
Yes, voting by post is safe. When voting by post, you should mark your vote on the ballot paper in secret, and seal the envelope yourself.
You will also be asked to give your date of birth and signature when applying for a postal or proxy vote. This makes postal voting safe, because when you return your postal voting pack your signature and date of birth are checked against those you provided before to confirm your identity.
Your signature and date of birth are separated from your ballot paper before it is looked at or counted, so giving this information will not affect the secrecy of your vote.
Where is my polling station?
Polling Stations list
Polling stations & Covid
Sedgemoor District Council are putting arrangements in place to help ensure polling stations are safe places to vote. You can expect many of the measures you’ve become used to over recent months in shops and banks, such as hand sanitiser and face coverings, if you wish.
They will continue their discussions with public health authorities as we prepare for the elections to make sure we are following the most up to date guidance.
Can I bring my own pen or pencil?
Yes, you are always welcome to use your own pen or pencil.
If you have any queries regarding your right to vote, please contact a member of the Elections Team by emailing [email protected] or by calling 0300 303 7800.