Bridgwater History Day 2022 – Saturday 19th November 10.30am-4pm
The historic Bridgwater Arts Centre in Castle Street will be the scene once again for Bridgwater’s popular annual ‘History Day’ where several local historians will pick a topic from the town’s history and present it to an audience who not only get free entry but get a free lunch.
Organiser, Town Council Leader Cllr Brian Smedley, says “Bridgwater people are justifiably proud of their history. This will be seventh history day we’ve run and with 7 speakers a year that’s 42 talks on Bridgwater History we’ve got through and always with a packed room. As usual there’ll be some historic food done for us by Purplespoon and this year there’s an additional ‘cider’ theme to the event. The Day runs from 1030 to 4pm and it’s free. Everyone’s welcome, our history belongs to all of us.”
Bridgwater History Day is organised by Bridgwater Town Council in conjunction with Bridgwater & Taunton College. This year the joint comperes of the event will be town council leader Brian Smedley.
More information on the guest speakers can be found on Westover Web