Bridgwater Town Council Festive Hours
Bridgwater Town Council offices will be closed from Monday 25th December 2023 and will reopen on Tuesday 2nd January 2024 at 9am.
Voicemails and Cemeteries emails will be monitored and urgent matters that cannot wait until the week beginning 1 January will be dealt with.
Please see the key responsibilities and contact information for Somerset Council, to ensure you reach the correct person. Also a list of useful contact information for emergencies.
Somerset County Council – 0300 123 2224
- Rubbish and recycling
- Elections and voting
- Benefits, advice, and support
- Planning and building
- Housing
- Land, property and searches
- Parks, open spaces, and street cleaning
- Beaches, ports, and flooding
- Climate change and environmental health
- Business and investment
- Licensing
- Grants
- Parking and transport
- Commercial activities
- Births, ceremonies, and deaths
- Social care and health
- Education and families
- Roads and transport
- Libraries
- Community and leisure
- Waste, strategic planning, and climate change
- Business and economy